Friday 29 August 2014

Chapter 2: A Living Planet

In your groups read chapter 2 sections 1 & 2 and take Cornell Notes.  Look at places and terms to help you with the questions for Cornell Notes.  Also answer MAIN IDEAS on page 29 A-C and 36 A-C.

Keep in mind that you will be producing a Brochure/Guidebook of Skagway next week.

Unit Learning goal: Students will be able use the five themes of geography and three types of maps to create a brochure/guide of Skagway that includes an explanation of Skagway to each of the five themes and a physical, political and thematic map of Skagway.  
Scale/Rubric relating to learning goal:
4 – The student can use the five themes of geography and three types of maps to create a brochure of Skagway that includes an explanation of Skagway to each of the five themes and a physical, political and thematic map of Skagway that includes the surrounding areas of Haines and Whitehorse. 

3 – The student can use the five themes of geography and three types of maps to create a brochure of Skagway that includes an explanation of Skagway to each of the five themes and a physical, political and thematic map of Skagway. 

2 – With some direction/help from the teacher the student can use the five themes of geography and three types of maps to create a brochure of Skagway that includes an explanation of Skagway to each of the five themes and a physical, political and thematic map of Skagway. 

1 – Even with help from the teacher the student is unable use the five themes of geography and three types of maps to create a brochure of Skagway that includes an explanation of Skagway to each of the five themes and a physical, political and thematic map of Skagway. 

Thursday 28 August 2014

Review for Quiz

Things to know for Quiz:


Absolute location
Relative location
Prime meridian

You need to know the 5 THEMES with descriptions and examples
Discuss three types of region
How place is different from location
Why  do geographers study human-environment interaction?
Three types of maps with descriptions of each
What is GIS?

Know answers to study questions on page 24
Reviewing Places and Terms 11-20
Main Ideas 1-10

Tuesday 26 August 2014

chapter 1 review

Today we will go over your homework and then you will create review questions from your notes/homework on quizlit go here.   At the end of class you will post your quizlet link on your blog so I can check your questions. 

1st let's look at the Unit Objective:


Unit Learning goal: Students will be able use the five themes of geography and three types of maps to create a brochure/guide of Skagway that includes an explanation of Skagway to each of the five themes and a physical, political and thematic map of Skagway. 

Yesterday's Objective: List and discuss the three types of maps. List the advantages and disadvantages of maps and globes.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Types of Maps

Today we will look at a video on how to take Cornell Notes.

Then in groups you will read chapter 1 section 2 taking Cornell Notes as you read.  These notes will be for a grade.

Homework: Page 24 - Reviewing Terms and Places 11-20 and Main Ideas 1-10.

Today's Objective: Compare the advantages and disadvantages of maps and globes and identify three types of maps. 

Thursday 21 August 2014

5 Themes of Geography


Unit Learning goal: Students will be able use the five themes of geography and three types of maps to create a brochure of Skagway that includes an explanation of Skagway to each of the five themes and a physical, political and thematic map of Skagway. 

Today's Objective: Students will be able to list the five themes of Geography.

TEXTBOOK Readings:
Chapter 1:  Five Themes of Geography

In groups we will read chapter 1, section 1.  Take notes as you read.  After you read your group will be assigned a theme and given an assignment with that theme.  
Things to take notes on:

Geography, absolute location, relative location, hemisphere, equator, prime meridian, latitude, longitude

 Unit Objectives:
Students will be able to
1)  Explain how geographers study the world
2)  Define location and explain how geographers describe it
3)  Explain the themes of place and region and identify the differences among forma, functional, and perceptual regions

Tuesday 19 August 2014


Course Description:  Students will learn the locations of places and features around the world.  They will be able to identify the physical and cultural features, which make those places unique, and will learn to utilize the tool, which help them to study and describe those places.  Students will make and use maps, globes and graphs to gather, analyze, and report geographic data.  Students will be able to utilize, analyze and explain information about the human and physical features of places and regions.  Students will use geography to understand the world by interpreting the past, knowing the present and preparing for the future.

1st Semester

Unit 1 - Introduction to Geography
Unit 2 - North America (U.S. and Canada)
Unit 3 - Latin America

2nd Semester

Unit 4 - Europe
Unit 5 - Africa
Unit 6 - Asia
Unit 7 - Australia, Oceania, and Antarctic.


Unit Learning goal: Students will be able use the five themes of geography and three types of maps to create a brochure of Skagway that includes an explanation of Skagway to each of the five themes and a physical, political and thematic map of Skagway. 

TEXTBOOK Readings:
Chapter 1:  Five Themes of Geography
8/20 – 8/29

Chapter 2: Physical Geography- forces that shape it
9/2 – 9/9

Chapter 3: Physical Geography – Climate and Vegetation 
9/10 – 9/15

Chapter 4: People and Places
9/16 – 9/22

 Unit Objectives:
Students will be able to
1)  Explain how geographers study the world
2)  Define location and explain how geographers describe it
3)  Explain the themes of place and region and identify the differences among forma, functional, and perceptual regions
4)  Explain the geographic theme of human-environment interaction
5)  Explain the theme of movement and distinguish among linear, time, and psychological distances.
6)  Compare the advantages and disadvantages of maps and globes and identify three types of maps.
7)  Describe how geographers use satellites and other tools.

Geography, absolute location, relative location, hemisphere, equator, prime meridian, latitude, longitude
 What are the five themes of geography?
How does external forces shape the Earth (flooding etc.)?
How does internal forces shape the Earth (tectonic activity, etc.)?
Types of climates and seasons.
Types of Vegetation.
Human geography (defining and identifying elements of culture, world religions, terminology and skills for studying population, economic types [primary, secondary, tertiary], types of government, cultural diffusion)