Monday 8 December 2014

Revew Guide for FINAL

What you need to know:

Maps - Fifty States, Provinces and Territories of Canada, Countries of Central and South America.

Physical Features - Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains, Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River, Mount Denali or Mckinley, Mckenzie River, Ohio River

South America - Amazon Rain Forest, Panama Canal, Andres Mountains, Orinoco River, Amazon River, Parana River, Pampas


1) Know the five themes of Geography and give examples
2) Name three types of maps and give examples of each
3) What is the difference between longitude and latitude
4) What is the prime meridian; what is the equator
5) What are three types of thematic maps
6) How are small-scale maps different than large-scale maps
7) Describe the hydrologic cycle
8) What causes earthquakes?
9) What is the continental drift theory?
10) What is El Nino?
11) What are the major factors that cause weather?
12) What might be some causes of global warming?
13) What are the five basic climate regions?
14) How do ocean currents affect climate?
15) What are four factors that influence climate?
16) What is the greenhouse effect?
17) How many languages exist in the world?
18) List four types of governments?
19) Where does the majority of the world's population live?
20) What is a the world's population?
21) What are some of the world's major religions?
22) List at least five things that make up culture.
 23) What is the Continental Divide?
24) What are the most abundant natural resources in the United States and Canada?
25) Which climates are found in the United States but not in Canada?
26) How did settles of the United States and Canada overcome the distances across the continent?
27) How did the United States become a world power?
28) What was the Columbian Exchange?
29) What is representative democracy?
30) Where do the majority of Americans live?
31) What are some original music styles?  What are some influence U.S. art forms?
32) List the four subregions of the United States.
33) How did the French and Indian War change America?
34) How is Canada's federal government different from the federal government of the United States?
35) Where do most of Canadians live?
36) What is Canada's work force like?  Within what industry sector do most Canadians work?
37) What is life like in Canada today?
38)  What are the subregions of Canada?
39) What is Canada's largest export product?
40) Which two languages and religions dominate Canadian culture?
41) Why are the Prairie Provinces so important to the Canadian economy?
42) How has geography affected settlement in Latin America?
43) What are the three mjor river systems in South America?
44) Why are three types of resources found in Latin America?
45) What two countries does the Orinoco River drain?
46) What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in Central and South America?
47) What is the history of Mexico?
48) What two major cultures blend in Central America?
49) What cultures make up the Caribbean Islands?
50) What are the three reasons for poverty in Central America?
51) What forms of music have evolved in the Caribbean?
52) What was the Treaty of Tordesillas?
53) What crop did settlers first grow in Brazil and what effect did if have on the makeup of the population?
54) How do Brazil's rivers contribute to its wealth?
55) What is Brazil national language?
56) Where does Brazil rank in its economic power in the world?
57) What is the biodiversity of the rain forest important?
58) Why is the rain forest an important global resource?
59) What is the largest city in Central America, South America, and the world?
60) Who were the Inca?
61) Why is the Panama Canal important?  How did it come into existence?
62) What is the dominant vegetation in the amazon?
63) In a short essay (3/4 - 1 page long), discuss how you would balance competing demands on rain forest resources.