Tuesday 31 March 2015

North Africa

Today we will read Chapter 19 Section 2: North Africa.

Objectives: By the end of the chapter students will be able to explain the roots of civilization in North Africa, analyze the impact of oil on the economies of North Africa, and explain the changing roles for women in North Africa.


Today we are going to take a quiz on Africa and then answer the following review questions:

1) What were some early civilizations in East Africa?  Why were these civilizations important?
2) What happened at the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?
3) What African countries managed to remain free of European control?
4) How did colonialism cause conflicts in East Africa after independence?
5) How did Ethiopia manage to defeat Italy in 1896?
6) What are some cash crops of East Africa?
7) What is East Africa's most critical health-care problem.
8) Research the Rwanda massacre (genocide?) and briefly discuss what happened and why.

Monday 30 March 2015


Today we are going to review what Lester discuss yesterday and read chapter 19 section 1.

Objectives: After reading students we be able to identify key events in East Africa history including how colonialism has effect it, and examine the state of health care in the region.

Unit Learning goal: Students will choose one African country and prepare a video news report on the current status of your country, covering such topics as conflicts, the health and welfare of its people, resources (or lack of), the economy and prospects for the future.

Friday 27 March 2015

Central Africa

Today we are going to review what Lester discuss yesterday and read chapter 19 section 1.

Objectives: After reading students we be able to identify key events in Central Africa history including how colonialism has effect it, and examine educational programs in the region.

Unit Learning goal: Students will choose one African country and prepare a video news report on the current status of your country, covering such topics as conflicts, the health and welfare of its people, resources (or lack of), the economy and prospects for the future.

First let's look at a clip from Democracy Now's newscast: 


Tuesday 24 March 2015


In groups we are going to read Chapter 18 Section 3.

Remember we have a shortened day.  Beware of a possible quiz on this section tomorrow.  

Friday 20 March 2015

Africa -

Today, you have the 1st 15 minutes to finish your Cornell Notes or outlines on Chapter 18 Section 2.

Afterwards I want you to answer MAIN IDEAS questions 1-7 on page 428.  Then practice your Africa Countries.  Quiz will be next Tuesday (3/31).


1st - the National Anthem of Uganda and South Africa

Friday 13 March 2015

Africa chapter 18 section 2

Today we are going to review things that Tonnie talked about yesterday in class, and then begin reading Chapter 18 Section 2: Climate and Vegetation.

Objective: By the end of this sections students should be able to explain the distribution of warm climates in Africa and describe the rain-forest biodiversity and practices that endanger it.

Monday 9 March 2015


Tuesday – students need to look at page 400, 402, 403, 404 and 405

Then in groups of 4 (they can choose the groups) read chapter 18 section 1.  Take Cornell Notes.

Wednesday – Students need to do Assessment questions 1-3 on page 418 and create a list of five things that they want to learn about Africa.

When they finish they should work on the AFRICAN MAP game from the blog.

Unit Learning goal: Students will choose one African country and prepare a video news report on the current status of your country, covering such topics as conflicts, the health and welfare of its people, resources (or lack of), the economy and prospects for the future.

Students will be able to

1) Identify key features of Africa’s physical geography, climate, and vegetation, and human-environment interaction.
2) Explain the distribution of warm climates in Africa.
3) Describe rain-forest biodiversity and practices that endanger it.
4) Describe the process of desertification.
5) Explain the harm caused by oil operations in Nigeria.
6) Describe the good and bad effects of the Aswan High Dam.
7) Identify features of human geography in the five sub-regions of Africa/
8) Discuss the causes of famine and the responses by local and international communities.
9) Examine roots of civilization in North Africa.
10) Analyze the impact of oil on the economies of North Africa.
11) Discuss the changes roles for women in North Africa.
12) Analyze West African economies.
13) Describe the cultural symbols of West Africa and West African music.
14) Identify key events in the history of Central Africa.
15) Describe how colonialism led to economic problems in Central Africa.
16) Identify events and issues in Southern African history.
17) Describe Southern African celebrations and daily life.
18) Discuss the serious issues and health-care crisis that Africans face.
19) Identify major diseases in Africa and their impact on the population.


Go here to play the Africa country game!