Friday 3 October 2014


Today - we are going to review what you learn by reading Chapter 5 Section 1 - Physical Features of North America.  Then you will create a quizlet and post it.  We'll choose 1 and play a game.

First - a review quiz.


Scale/Rubric relating to learning goal:
4 – The student can create a multimedia presentation on the theme “A Land Of Contrasts” which will include a series of pictures that show the different geographical features of the United States and Canada with written descriptions – that connect history to the geographical features.
3 – The student can create a multimedia presentation on the theme “A Land Of Contrasts” which will include a series of pictures that show the different geographical features of the United States and Canada with written descriptions
2 – With some direction/help from the teacher the student can create a multimedia presentation on the theme “A Land Of Contrasts” which will include a series of pictures that show the different geographical features of the United States and Canada with written descriptions
1 – Even with help from the teacher the student is unable to create a multimedia presentation on the theme “A Land Of Contrasts” which will include a series of pictures that show the different geographical features of the United States and Canada with written descriptions. 

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