Sunday 26 October 2014


Monday we are going to read Chapter 7 Section 2: Economy and Culture of Canada

Objective: Students will be able to identify economic power, cultural diversity and describe Canadian life today.

Things to know - Canada's primary industries; where manufacturing is done in Canada; name the different cultural groups that make up Canada; List the predominant religions in Canada; Discuss Canadian's sports, recreation and the arts. 

On Thursday we will be taking the UNIT II Final.  Below is a review guide:

On a map be able to locate the following:

The Appalachian Mtns
Great Plains
Great Lakes (each one)
The Canadian Shield
Rocky Mtns
Mississippi River
Missouri River
Ohio River
Mackenzie River
Mt. Denali
Gulf of Mexico
Grand Canyon
Yukon River
Death Valley

Be able to answer the following:

What landforms are shared by the U.S. and Canada?
Why are the Great Lakes important to both the U.S. and Canada?
Why does most of Canada's energy power go to the U.S.?
What kinds of climates exist in the U.S. but not in Canada?
What climate regions do the U.S. and Canada share?
What kind of extreme weather occurs in the Great Plains?
What areas have suffered devastation from hurricanes?
What is Beringia?
What are the most abundant natural resources in the U.S. and Canada?
In what type of climate would you find permafrost?
What problems arose in L.A. with rapid expansion?
How did the settlers in the U.S. and Canada overcome the distances within the continent?
What was the Columbian Exchange?
How was the U.S. able to become a World Power?
What is representative democracy?
How are the powers of government divided in the U.S?
What are some American cultural elements that have influenced the world?
Where are the industrial centers in the U.S."
What is a megalopolis?
Why is the U.S. a leader in agricultural production?
In what industry do most American work?
What role did water play in the development of the Midwest?
How did CA become the nation's most populous state?
What are the sub-regions of Canada?
Where do most Canadians live?
How is Canada's government different from the U.S.?
How did the French and Indian War change America?
What is Canada's largest export?
What languages dominate Canada?
Why are the Prairie Provinces so important to the Canadian economy?

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