Thursday 20 November 2014

Work for 12/1 - 12/3

Monday: Students need to read chapter 11 section 2 in groups of four (you can assignment them – just make sure Micah Cook and Zack Breen are not together). 

Reading Objectives:  After reading students will be able to describe the struggle for democratic government in Latin America.

Tuesday and Wednesday

Students will need to put together a presentation on the rainforest for Thursday.  This presentation will help them with their Unit Goal:

Students will be able to write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources.

The presentations needs to include the following things:

1)   2 maps of rainforest areas
2)   5 different photos of rainforests (either vegetation or before and after shots)
3)   Discuss what the global importance of rainforests.
4)   Discuss the consequence of deforestation.
5)   Discuss how rainforests work.
6)   List six general facts about rainforests.
7)   What are some rainforest resources (think economics).
8)   If you were a South American leader how would you try to balance the competing demands on rainforest resources?  

For resources GO HERE

Today we are going to answer question main ideas on page 247 and #4 What might happen to the rain forest in the future.  


Today we are going to watch part of a video on Climate Change and the you'll have some time to work as individuals on chapter 11 section 1.

Wednesday 19 November 2014


Today we are going to take a review quiz on chapters 9-10: Physical and Human Geography of Latin America.  If you get done earlier please either 1) Review the map of Central America (those of you who need to retake it), or 2) Begin reading chapter 11 section 1: Today's Issues in Latin America.

Objective: Students will be able to describe the uses of the rain forest, the social costs of rain forest destruction, and how this destruction can be prevented.

Unit Learning goal: Students will be able to write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources.


Scale/Rubric relating to learning goal:

4 – The student can write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources that involves economic data and real world solutions.

3 – The student can write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources.

2 – With some direction/help from the teacher the student can write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources.

1 – Even with help from the teacher the student is unable to write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources.

Monday 17 November 2014


Today we are going to take a map quiz on Central America and then review chapters 9 and 10.

Remember chapters 9 and 10 are about the physical and human geography of Latin America (Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, and South America - think rivers, mountains, forests, plains, cities, culture and economy).

Questions for Review (for quiz on chapters 9-10)

1)   What crop did settlers first grow in Brazil and what effect did it have on the makeup of the population?
2)   How do Brazil’s rivers contribute to its wealth?
3)   How large is Brazil’s economic power?
4)   What is Brazil’s religion and language?
5)   What have been some obstacles to democratic government in South America?
6)   What is South America’s greatest economic success story (other than Brazil)?
7)   Who were the Inca?
8)   What major groups blended into the area of the Caribbean?
9)   What are some major sources of income in the economies of Central America and the Caribbean?
10)                   What are some forms of music that have evolved in the region of the Caribbean?
11)                   Why is the Panama Canal important?  How did it come into existence?
12)                   What is the largest city in Mexico?  In South America?  In the World?
13)                   What is the most important part of Mexico’s economy today?
14)                   How have the Andes Mountains affected settlement in South America?
15)                   Why is the Amazon river important?
16)                  What two countries does the Orinoco River drain?
17)                  What is the dominant vegetation of the Amazon river basin?
18)                   What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of tourism to the South American community?

Brazil - Human Geography

Today we are going to read chapter 10 section 4: Brazil (or Portuguese-speaking South America).

Objective: Students will be able to explain the two major divisions of South America, discuss the national culture and economic strength of Brazil.

Remember - the summary of your Cornell notes you need to address the objective. 

Friday 14 November 2014


Today - we are going to finish Chapter 10 Section 3 and then play



Thursday 13 November 2014

Spanish-Speaking South America

Today - we are going to look at a current event; then, take a practice test on Central America, and finally read chapter 10 section 3.

Objective: Students will be able to describe the Spanish conquest, the cultural mosaic of South America, and it's economic resources. 

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Chapter 10 Section 2

Central America and the Caribbean

Objective: Students will be able to describe the history of Central America and the Caribbean; Identify cultural blends and economic conditions in the region.

Today we will read chapter 10 section 2.

Quiz coming on chapter 9 and 10 on Tuesday.  

Monday 10 November 2014


Today we are going to start chapter 10.

Chapter Objective: Students will be able to identify key features of Latin America's blending of cultures. 

Things to think about:

1) The four sub-regions of Latin America (Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, Spanish-Speaking South America, and Brazil) differ in many ways, but also share several cultural features.

2) There have been conflicts between the region's native cultures and the Spanish and Portuguese conquerors.

3) Latin America's colonial era has affected the region's cultural and political history. 

Today - make sure you can discuss how Mexico's Native and Spanish influences have shaped the country and what Mexican life is like today. 


Today we will take a quiz on South America.

After the quiz I want you to find and draw in the following on a blank map:

The Amazon River
The Orinoco River
The Parana River
The Andes Mountains
The  Illanos
The plains of the Amazon
The Pampas
The Amazon Rain Forest

After you find these do review questions (Main Ideas) 1-10 on page 214.

Tomorrow MEXICO.  

Friday 7 November 2014

South America - Movement and Human-Environment Interaction

Keep in mind the five themes of Geography as you read.  Today we will finish chapter 9 by reading section 3.  But first, I would like us to look at the major cities of South America and review your projects from yesterday.

TODAY'S OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to discuss the effects of urbanization and migration to cities in South America and the negative and positive effects of tourism on the region.

Remember your summary should reflect the learning objective.

Thursday 6 November 2014

South America

Today - we are going to get into groups and research a South American Country.

But first I want to introduce you to another world problem that has roots in South America: deforestation and climate change.  Is deforestation important and what can we do about it?

Questions to answer on your country (these will be put on your blog):

1) What climate zones and vegetation exists in your country?
2) Explain the important resources of the area.  Also any river systems, mountain systems, or plains that run through your country.
3) What do most people in your country do for a living?
4) What is the largest city?
5) What is the capital city?
6) Find a map and paste it in your blog. 
7) Does your country face any problems - economy (think Bolivia) or environmental (Brazil) or other?  

Wednesday 5 November 2014


Today we are going to read chapter 9 section 2, but first da dum!!!!

Objective: Students will be able to describe the climate zones and vegetation of Latin America.

P.S. Make sure you are turning in your Cornell Notes!

Tuesday 4 November 2014

South America GAME

For the country game go HERE


Today - we are going to watch a short video on water privatization in Bolivia.  Then, on your own, answer the following questions on your blog, and finally play the South American country game.


1) What did you learn from the video?  Do you think its fair that a corporation can own a country's water?
2) Do you think the people of Bolivia had a right to react the way they did?
3) How has geography affected settlement in Latin America?
4) Where are the Andres Mountains located?
5) What are the three major river systems in South America?
6) What river carries more water to the ocean than any other river in the world?
7) What are the three mjor island groups in the Caribbean Islands?
8) What are Llanos?
9) What are three types of resources found in Latin America?
10) What S. American country generates the most hydroelectric power and why?
11) What types of landforms are found in Latin America?
12) What is your favorite South American country?

Sunday 2 November 2014

Latin America

Today - we will start Unit 3: Latin America.

We will read chapter 9 section 1.
Objectives: Be able to describe the Latin America mountains, plains, Amazon River, and explain the important resources of the area. 

Unit Learning goal: Students will be able to write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources.


Scale/Rubric relating to learning goal:

4 – The student can write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources that involves economic data and real world solutions.

3 – The student can write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources.

2 – With some direction/help from the teacher the student can write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources.

1 – Even with help from the teacher the student is unable to write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources.

Unit Objectives

Students will be able to

1)  Compare data on the physical geography of Latin America.

2)  Examine key physical features of Latin America.

3)  Identify Latin American countries and borders.

4)  List and discuss Latin American religions and climates.

5)  Analyze language distributions and population density in Latin America.

6)  Identify key features of Latin American’s physical geography, climate and vegetation, and human-environment interaction.

7)  Identify precipitation patterns.

8)  Identify how agriculture reshapes the ecological environment.

9)  Describe the effects of urbanization.

10)          Explain the positive and negative effects of tourism.

11)          Identify key features of Latin America’s blending of cultures.

12)          Describe the history of Central America

13)          Describe the history of the Caribbean

14)          Identify cultural blends in the region

15)          Identify economic conditions in the region

16)          Describe the Spanish conquest and independence movements in South America.

17)          Identify the cultural mosaic of South America.

18)          Explain economic resources and trade in South America.

19)          Explain the economic strength of Brazil.

20)          Describe the national culture of Brazil.

21)          Describe the uses of the rain forest.

22)          Explain the social costs of destruction of the rain forest.

23)          Discuss how destruction of the rain forest can be prevented.

24)          Describe the struggle for democratic government in Latin America.