Wednesday 19 November 2014


Today we are going to take a review quiz on chapters 9-10: Physical and Human Geography of Latin America.  If you get done earlier please either 1) Review the map of Central America (those of you who need to retake it), or 2) Begin reading chapter 11 section 1: Today's Issues in Latin America.

Objective: Students will be able to describe the uses of the rain forest, the social costs of rain forest destruction, and how this destruction can be prevented.

Unit Learning goal: Students will be able to write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources.


Scale/Rubric relating to learning goal:

4 – The student can write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources that involves economic data and real world solutions.

3 – The student can write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources.

2 – With some direction/help from the teacher the student can write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources.

1 – Even with help from the teacher the student is unable to write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources.

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