Sunday 2 November 2014

Latin America

Today - we will start Unit 3: Latin America.

We will read chapter 9 section 1.
Objectives: Be able to describe the Latin America mountains, plains, Amazon River, and explain the important resources of the area. 

Unit Learning goal: Students will be able to write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources.


Scale/Rubric relating to learning goal:

4 – The student can write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources that involves economic data and real world solutions.

3 – The student can write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources.

2 – With some direction/help from the teacher the student can write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources.

1 – Even with help from the teacher the student is unable to write an essay that answers the question: “If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing demands on rain forest resources.

Unit Objectives

Students will be able to

1)  Compare data on the physical geography of Latin America.

2)  Examine key physical features of Latin America.

3)  Identify Latin American countries and borders.

4)  List and discuss Latin American religions and climates.

5)  Analyze language distributions and population density in Latin America.

6)  Identify key features of Latin American’s physical geography, climate and vegetation, and human-environment interaction.

7)  Identify precipitation patterns.

8)  Identify how agriculture reshapes the ecological environment.

9)  Describe the effects of urbanization.

10)          Explain the positive and negative effects of tourism.

11)          Identify key features of Latin America’s blending of cultures.

12)          Describe the history of Central America

13)          Describe the history of the Caribbean

14)          Identify cultural blends in the region

15)          Identify economic conditions in the region

16)          Describe the Spanish conquest and independence movements in South America.

17)          Identify the cultural mosaic of South America.

18)          Explain economic resources and trade in South America.

19)          Explain the economic strength of Brazil.

20)          Describe the national culture of Brazil.

21)          Describe the uses of the rain forest.

22)          Explain the social costs of destruction of the rain forest.

23)          Discuss how destruction of the rain forest can be prevented.

24)          Describe the struggle for democratic government in Latin America.

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