Tuesday 30 September 2014

Chapter 5 Section 1

Objective: Identify key features of the U.S. and Canada's physical geography

Places and Terms to know: Appalachian Mountains, Great Plains, Canadian Shield, Rocky Mountains, Continental Divide, Great Lakes, Mississippi River, Ohio River, and Mackenzie River.

Questions to answer - What states have the Mississippi River for at least part of their border?
What rivers empty into the Mississippi?  How many Great Lakes are there?  List them.  What is the relative location of most of Canada's islands?  What is the highest and lowest point in North America?  How do the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains differ?  List some resources of both the U.S. and Canada.

Today - in groups you will read Chapter 5 Section 1 and take Cornell Notes.  Make sure you can answer the terms, places, and questions above.  These might appear on a quiz.

If you get done early, practice State Capitols.

When you get a chance watch the following video on the Physical Features of North America.

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