Monday 29 September 2014

North America

Today we are going to go over your tests from last week, and take a assessment quiz on the U.S.

And go over the next unit: NORTH AMERICA

Objectives (smaller chunks of overall goal) and suggested time periods

Students will be able to

1)  Identify the U.S. and Canada’s main geographic features.
2)  Examine varied landforms in relation to American and Canadian lifestyles.
3)  Identify important U.S. and Canadian natural resources and how they influence life in each country.
4)  Examine the shared climates and vegetation between the United States and Canada.
5)  Identify differences in climate and vegetation between the United States and Canada.
6)  Describe the effects of extreme weather in the United States and Canada.
7)  Examine how settlement and agriculture have changed the land in Canada and the U.S.
8)  Describe factors that make sites suitable for building cities.
9)  Identify methods of overcoming distances in the U.S. and Canada.

 United States:

-       Physical overview
-       Sub regions
-       History
-       Resources by region
-       Economic ventures by region
-       Impending issues
-       NAFTA
-       Urban sprawl (megalopolis)


-       Physical overview
-       Sub Regions: provinces and territories
-       System of government
-       History
-       Multiculturalism
-       Major resources
-       Role in global economy
-       Issues of concern
Unit Learning goal: Students will be able to create a multimedia presentation on the theme “A Land Of Contrasts” which will include a series of pictures that show the different geographical features of the United States and Canada with written descriptions.

Scale/Rubric relating to learning goal:
4 – The student can create a multimedia presentation on the theme “A Land Of Contrasts” which will include a series of pictures that show the different geographical features of the United States and Canada with written descriptions – that connect history to the geographical features.

3 – The student can create a multimedia presentation on the theme “A Land Of Contrasts” which will include a series of pictures that show the different geographical features of the United States and Canada with written descriptions

2 – With some direction/help from the teacher the student can create a multimedia presentation on the theme “A Land Of Contrasts” which will include a series of pictures that show the different geographical features of the United States and Canada with written descriptions

1 – Even with help from the teacher the student is unable to create a multimedia presentation on the theme “A Land Of Contrasts” which will include a series of pictures that show the different geographical features of the United States and Canada with written descriptions. 

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