Tuesday 20 January 2015


We are going to go over your countries from yesterday and then answer chapter 12 review questions on page 286: Main Ideas 1-10.

Quiz on chapter 12 on Friday.

Tomorrow we will start chapter 13.

I will be returning your chapter notes today.

Unit Learning goal: Students will be able to represent one type of country – original EU member, recent EU member, or an EU candidate – research how future expansion might affect their country, create a thematic visual representation of the country, hold a panel with a 2-minute summary of their position and be able to debate their position against the positions of other countries.

Students will be able to
1)  Compare data on the physical geography of Europe.
2)  Identify key features of Europe physical geography, climate and vegetation, and human-environment interaction.
3)  Identify European countries and borders in 1914.
4)  Identify current political features.
5)  Learn about European religions and climates.
6)  Analyze language distribution and population density in Europe.
7)  Explain how winds warm much of Europe.
8)  Describe the climate of inland Europe.
9)  Identify the climatic characteristics in the Mediterranean.
10)          Describe the climatic effect of vegetation on the Land of the Midnight Sun.
11)          Describe the land reclamation of the Netherlands.
12)          Explain the unique environment of Venice.
13)          Identify reasons for deforestation in Europe.
14)          Identify features of human geography in the four sub-regions of Europe.
15)          Identify cultural divisions in Western Europe.
16)          Analyze Western European economies.
17)          Discuss the seafaring conquerors and the formation of the British Empire.
18)          Explain the major historical trends leading to modern age.
19)          Identify the major trends in Northern Europe’s economy.
20)          Explain the how ethnic and religious diversity has defined Eastern European culture.
21)          Analyze Eastern European turmoil in the 20th Century.
22)          Identify the challenges involved in moving toward economic growth and political freedom in Eastern Europe.
23)           Interpret thematic maps.
24)          Identify key features of the landforms, resources, climate, vegetation, and human environment in Russia and the Republics.
25)          Describe four major vegetation regions of Russia and the Republics.
26)          Describe how Russia’s harsh winter has been both an obstacle and an advantage to the country.

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